Student Awards Criteria

Garden City Friends of Music sponsors two levels of awards for musical excellence in the four music disciplines of band, chorus, electronic music and orchestra. All award selections are based on recommendations by the teachers. FOM does not participate in the judging nor selection process.

Elementary Instrumental Award Criteria

Outstanding Effort & Achievement in Elementary Instrumental Music – Criteria


  • Student is consistently prepared with necessary materials for rehearsals and
    lessons (i.e. instrument, music, pencil).
  • Student is musically prepared for lessons and rehearsals – evidence of
    practicing at home.
  • Student shows active participation in lessons and rehearsals by volunteering
    to answer questions and engage in class discussions.


  • Student demonstrates outstanding musical performance through playing tests
  • Preferred but not required – Student has performed in an All-County or
    NYSSMA festival on their instrument.


  • Student shows exceptional composure during all music rehearsals.  They
    have utmost respect for the conductor at ALL times.
  • Student is a role model and leader for the other students in class and musical
  • Student volunteers effortlessly many times without even being asked of
    anything in order to help the music program
  • Student shows their talents and music skills in a humble way that make them
    role models of what it is to be a good musician.

Outstanding Effort & Achievement in Elementary General / Vocal Music Criteria

  • Student shows outstanding effort in music whether it is through the
    general music class, chorus rehearsal, and play rehearsal or outside
    musical performances.
  • Student participates in Select Chorus.
  • Student participates in most if not all class discussions.
  • Student shows exceptional composure during all music rehearsals.
    They have utmost respect for the conductor at ALL times.
  • Student has performed solo in front of the class on an instrument or
    in musical events such as the fifth grade play or NYSSMA.
  • Student is a role model and leader for the other students in class
    and musical rehearsals.
  • Student shows outstanding composure and respect during ALL
    musical events this past year, which included the Fifth Grade
    Opera Trip, Winter Concert, Fifth Grade Play, and ALL classroom
  • Student shows active participation by responding to and analyzing
    musical works with appropriate responses. They also listen to the
    responses of others to make evaluative judgments.
  • Student has given up extra time to help at rehearsals when needed.
  • Student volunteers effortlessly many times without even being
    asked of anything in order to help the music program at Stratford.
  • Student shows their talents and music skills in a humble way that
    make them role models of what it is to be a good musician.

Outstanding Effort & Achievement in Middle School General / Vocal Music Criteria

Certificates of achievement are presented to eighth grade students who display dedication to and personal development within the music program. Outstanding Musicianship plaques are awarded to one student from each of the four music disciplines who demonstrate a high level of musicianship and dedication to the music program.

The student who receives the Outstanding Musicianship plaque must meet ALL of
the following criteria:

  • Participation in the ensemble for all three years (6,7,8).
  • Demonstrates consistent positive leadership in the ensemble.
  • Consistently Strives for excellence in their own musicianship.
  • Assignments are consistently submitted early/on time.
  • Honors their classmates and teachers.

Typically, the plaque is given to one student. Teachers reserve the right to give
plaques to two students if there are two students who meet the criteria to such an
equal extent that it is not appropriate to select one student over the other.
Certificates of Achievement are awarded to students who meet at least 4 of the 5
criteria. There is no limit on the amount of certificates that can be awarded,
however, teachers understand that to give this certificate to too many students
decreases its value.